Faith and Credit

When I was an undergrad I (briefly) thought I wanted to be a philosophy major. I fell asleep in the mid-afternoon class a lot, and found myself uninterested in memorizing and repeating various philosophers’ positions, but the questions of “What does it mean to be a good person?” and “How do we know what is true/real?” continue to feel important to me. I finally finished my review of Bernard Stiegler’s three-part book “Disbelief and Discredit;” his language can be dense AF, and there were numerous moments where I wanted him to be more prescriptive rather than simply diagnostic- it’s (relatively) easy to say “here are all the flaws in your actions/options” and a lot harder to find better ones in a world full of fallible, damaged people. That said, I found it immensely thought-provoking, and look forward to observing other ways in which belief and credit inform our lives.

Full Substack post here.

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